Twitter Falls as Social Network Says Latest Musk Letter to Void the Deal Is Invalid

September 14, 2022

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Twitter($NYSE:TWTR) falls as social network says latest Musk letter to void the deal is invalid. The world’s richest man, with a net worth of some $270B, agreed in April to take control of the social network, but has since tried to back out of the deal. Do you think this will affect TWITTER’s market and earnings in the long term?

Price History

On Monday, Twitter’s stock opened at $41.8 and closed at $41.4, down by 1.8% from its last closing price of 42.2. However, it now appears that Musk will not be taking Tesla private after all. In his letter to the SEC, Musk said that he had met with several potential investors, but that they had all expressed concern about the potential risks and volatility of such a move. As a result, Musk has decided not to take Tesla private at this time. This news caused Twitter’s stock to fall, as investors worried that Musk’s tweets had misled them. Tesla is one of the most popular stocks on Twitter, and Musk’s tweets about taking the company private had caused many people to buy Tesla stock. Now that it appears that Musk will not be taking Tesla private after all, investors are worried that they may have bought Tesla stock at too high of a price.

VI Analysis

Twitter’s financial and business fundamentals reflect its long-term potential. However, there are some risks to consider before investing. Based on VI’s Risk Rating, Twitter is a medium risk investment in terms of financial and business aspects. The company’s financial stability is strong, but there are some potential risks in the areas of business model and competitive landscape. Overall, Twitter presents a strong long-term investment opportunity, but it is important to carefully consider the potential risks before making a decision.


Twitter has been on a roller coaster ride over the past few weeks, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. However, just a few days later, Twitter announced that the deal was off, and the stock plummeted. Now, some investors are wondering if Twitter is a good investment. After all, the social media company has been through a lot of ups and downs over the past few years. On the one hand, Twitter has a lot going for it. The company has been profitable for three quarters in a row, and its user base is growing. In addition, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, and it’s used by a variety of people, from celebrities to politicians. On the other hand, Twitter has had its share of problems. The company has been embroiled in various controversies, and its stock price has been volatile. In addition, Twitter is facing stiff competition from other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Snapchat. That’s a tough question to answer. Ultimately, it depends on your investment goals and risk tolerance. If you’re looking for a quick profit, Twitter may not be the best choice. However, if you’re willing to hold onto the stock for the long haul, Twitter could be a good bet.

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