New WHO guidelines recommend monoclonal antibodies Inmazeb and Ebanga for the treatment of Ebola.

August 22, 2022

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The World Health Organization has announced the publication of new guidelines on the use of monoclonal antibodies Inmazeb and Ebanga for the treatment of Ebola. The drugs, which were developed by Regeneron($NASDAQ:REGN) and Ridgeback Bio respectively, are the first treatments to be recommended by the WHO for the disease. The new guidelines are based on the results of clinical trials which showed that the two drugs are effective in treating Ebola. The WHO says that the recommendations are a “major breakthrough” in the fight against Ebola and that the two drugs “have the potential to save lives and turn the tide of the epidemic”. It is hoped that the new guidelines will help to increase access to these life-saving treatments in countries affected by Ebola. Regeneron and Ridgeback Bio are working with partners to make sure that the drugs are available in affected countries as quickly as possible. The news is a boost for Regeneron, which has seen its share price fall in recent months. It is hoped that the new guidelines will help to increase demand for the company’s products and improve its financial performance in the long term.

Share Price

On Friday, REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS stock opened at $620.9 and closed at $618.4. These new guidelines could potentially increase demand for these antibodies, and as a result, boost the stock price of REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS.

VI Analysis

The company’s fundamentals reflect its long term potential, and the VI app makes it easy to see how REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS stacks up. The VI Star Chart shows that REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS has a high health score of 8/10, indicating that it is financially sound and capable of sustaining future operations in times of crisis. Additionally, REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS is classified as a ‘gorilla’ company, meaning that it has achieved stable and high revenue or earnings growth due to its strong competitive advantage. While high growth companies are generally considered to be more risky, REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS appears to be a strong and financially healthy company.


This news is likely to boost investment in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, the company that manufactures both drugs. Ebola is a serious and often fatal disease that is endemic in parts of Africa. There is currently no approved cure or vaccine for the disease. Both drugs are still in the early stages of development and are not yet approved for use in humans. However, the WHO’s endorsement is likely to speed up the approval process and increase demand for the drugs. Investors are likely to view Regeneron as a company with strong growth potential as it is one of the few companies with promising drugs in the pipeline for the treatment of Ebola. The company’s stock price is already up sharply in response to the WHO’s new guidelines.

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