Wealth Management LLC Purchases Trinity Industries Shares

September 29, 2022

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Trinity Industries Stock Intrinsic Value – Twelve Points Wealth Management LLC purchased 2791 shares of Trinity Industries($NYSE:TRN), Inc. in the fourth quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission .

Price History

Wealth Management LLC Purchases Trinity Industries Shares So far, news sentiment regarding Trinity Industries has been mostly positive. On Tuesday, TRINITY INDUSTRIES stock opened at $22.5 and closed at $22.3, up by 0.1% from its last closing price of $22.2. This indicates that investors are bullish on the company’s prospects.

VI Analysis – Trinity Industries Stock Intrinsic Value

The analysis of a company’s fundamentals is important in order to understand its long term potential. The VI app makes this analysis simple and easy to understand. The intrinsic value of TRINITY INDUSTRIES shares is around $27.9, calculated by VI Line. This means that the stock is currently undervalued by 20% and is trading at $22.3.


Investing in Trinity Industries may be a good idea for those looking for long-term growth potential. Trinity’s products are used in a variety of industries, including construction, energy, and manufacturing. The company has a strong track record of profitability and is well-positioned to continue growing in the future.

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