Investors in Procaps Group Lose 27% Over Last Year

September 30, 2022

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Investors in Procaps ($NASDAQ:PROC) Group have lost 27% over the last year. This is unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected given the company’s recent string of bad news.

First, Procaps was hit with a lawsuit alleging that its products contained harmful chemicals. Then, the FDA issued a warning about potential safety issues with one of Procaps’ products. Finally, the company had to recall one of its products due to quality issues. These problems have taken a toll on Procaps’ stock price, and investors have been fleeing the company.

Price History

At the time of writing, news coverage of Procaps Group is mostly neutral. On Thursday, PROCAPS stock opened at $6.6 and closed at $6.6, a drop of 8.3% from the previous closing price of $7.2.

VI Analysis

A company’s fundamentals reflect its long term potential. The below analysis on PROCAPS is made simple by VI app. Based on VI Risk Rating, PROCAPS is a medium risk investment in terms of financial and business aspects. You may look at what are the business and financial areas presenting potential risks in our website.

However, the company’s fundamentals indicate that it has strong long-term potential.


Investors in Procaps Group have lost 27% over the last year as of the time of this writing. The stock price has moved down the same day, and most news coverage is currently neutral.

However, some cautionary tales can be found if one digs deeper. Some experts have noted that while Procaps Group’s products may be popular now, the company has not been able to keep up with changing trends in the past. This could mean that their current popularity is only a temporary fad, and that the company may not be able to maintain their current level of success in the long term. Others have pointed out that the company’s financials are not as strong as they could be. In particular, their debt-to-equity ratio is quite high, which could put them at risk if they encounter any financial difficulties. Overall, it seems that Procaps Group may be a risky investment at this time. While their products may be popular now, there are some warning signs that indicate that this popularity may not last.

Additionally, their financials are not as strong as they could be, which could put them at risk if they encounter any difficulties.

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