Fox Factory Holding Corp Set to Release Q2 Earnings Results: An In-Depth Analysis

August 5, 2023


Investors and industry enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the upcoming earnings call of Fox Factory Holding Corp, scheduled for August 3rd, 2023, at 4:30 PM EST. As a leading manufacturer of performance suspension systems for various applications, Fox Factory’s financial performance and outlook are of great interest to stakeholders. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive analysis of the company’s fundamentals, technicals, historical guidance, and analysts’ estimates to offer valuable insights into what the future may hold for Fox Factory.

Fundamental Analysis:

ReportDate NetIncome TotalRevenue DilutedEPS unit
Q2 2023-06-30 39.7 400.7 0.94 million USD
Q1 2023-03-31 41.8 399.9 0.98 million USD
Q4 2022-12-31 53.0 408.6 1.25 million USD
Q3 2022-09-30 50.8 409.2 1.20 million USD
Q2 2022-06-30 53.5 406.7 1.26 million USD

Fox Factory Holding Corp has demonstrated consistent growth and financial strength over the past year. With revenues reaching $400.7 million in the most recent quarter, the company has maintained a solid top-line performance. Net income of $39.7 million highlights the profitability of Fox Factory, underlying its efficient cost management strategies. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) stood at $0.94 million USD, indicating a stable financial position.

The company’s past results offer a positive outlook for the upcoming earnings report, as quarterly revenues and net income have grown steadily. Fox Factory’s ability to generate substantial profits and achieve consistent revenue growth is indicative of its strong market presence and successful business model.

Technical Analysis:

since low high change change%
1D 2023-08-03 105.9 107.5 -1.6 -1.5
5D 2023-07-28 105.9 112.0 -2.4 -2.3
1M 2023-07-05 101.8 116.2 -1.0 -1.0
3M 2023-05-01 87.5 116.2 -4.0 -3.6

Examining the recent price performance of Fox Factory Holding Corp reveals valuable insights into market trends and investor sentiment. Over the past three months, the stock price has exhibited volatility within a range of $87.5 to $116.2 USD per share. While experiencing a recent decline of 1.5%, the stock’s long-term trajectory suggests stability and growth potential.

Historical Guidance:

Analyzing Fox Factory’s historical guidance provides valuable context for assessing its upcoming earnings results. The company has consistently met or exceeded expectations, maintaining an adjusted EPS estimate of 1.2 throughout the past 90 days. With a history of delivering strong financial performance, Fox Factory has continually instilled confidence in investors and analysts alike.

Analysts’ Estimates:

The MorningStar consensus estimates further reinforce the positive outlook for Fox Factory Holding Corp. With a current adjusted EPS estimate of 1.2, which remains unchanged over the past 30, 60, and 90 days, analysts signal confidence in the company’s ability to sustain its financial performance. This alignment between analysts’ estimates and historical guidance enhances the anticipation for the upcoming earnings report.


As Fox Factory Holding Corp prepares to release its Q2 earnings results, investors should keep a close eye on this highly anticipated report. The company’s strong fundamenta+s, positive historical guidance, and analysts’ estimates provide a solid basis for optimism. Additionally, the stock’s stable long-term trajectory suggests growth potential and appeals to long-term investors.

It is vital for stakeholders to tune into the earnings call to gain valuable insights into Fox Factory’s financial performance, future outlook, and strategic initiatives. By attending the call, investors can hear directly from the company’s management team, understand their vision, and ask pertinent questions.

Fox Factory Holding Corp‘s track record of delivering consistent revenue growth, robust profitability, and exceeding expectations increases the likelihood of positive news during the earnings call. However, investing always carries inherent risks, and it is important to remember that past performance may not necessarily dictate future results.

In conclusion, as the financial world eagerly awaits the Q2 earnings results of Fox Factory Holding Corp, there is a prevailing sense of optimism thanks to strong fundamentals, positive technical indicators, historical guidance, and analysts’ estimates. Investors are encouraged to dive deeper into the company’s financials during the earnings call to make informed decisions regarding their investment strategies. Stay tuned as Fox Factory unveils its latest financial performance and provides insights into its future growth prospects.

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