Howmet Aerospace Poised to Deliver Strong Q2 Earnings Performance

August 18, 2023


As Howmet Aerospace prepares to release its second-quarter earnings on August 1, 2023, investors and analysts eagerly await the company’s financial results. With a rich history of success and recent positive momentum, all signs point towards a promising earnings call. In this article, we will take a multifaceted approach to analyze Howmet Aerospace‘s upcoming earnings, combining fundamental analysis, technical analysis, historical guidance, and analyst estimates to provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s prospects.

Fundamental Analysis:

ReportDate NetIncome TotalRevenue DilutedEPS unit
Q2 2023-06-30 193.0 1648.0 0.46 million USD
Q1 2023-03-31 148.0 1603.0 0.35 million USD
Q4 2022-12-31 111.0 1513.0 0.26 million USD
Q3 2022-09-30 80.0 1433.0 0.19 million USD
Q2 2022-06-30 147.0 1393.0 0.35 million USD

Starting with the company’s past year financials, Howmet Aerospace has showcased consistent growth across various key metrics. In Q2 2023, the company reported net income of $193 million on total revenue of $1.648 billion, reflecting a steady increase in profitability. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) stood at $0.46 million USD, representing promising growth compared to previous quarters. These figures indicate that Howmet Aerospace has managed to capitalize on market opportunities effectively and maximize shareholder value.

Technical Analysis:

since low high change change%
1D 2023-08-16 48.7 49.4 0.1 0.2
5D 2023-08-10 48.7 50.3 -1.0 -2.0
1M 2023-07-18 47.5 51.2 -1.2 -2.5
3M 2023-05-15 42.2 51.3 4.3 9.7

Examining Howmet Aerospace‘s recent price performance, we observe both short-term fluctuations and long-term growth. Over the past three months, the stock has experienced volatility, with a high of $51.3 and a low of $42.2. However, Howmet Aerospace has demonstrated resilience and the ability to rebound from market downturns, as evidenced by a remarkable 9.7% overall increase in its stock price during this period. While recent performance has been somewhat mixed, it is essential to approach the earnings call with an understanding of the company’s long-term growth potential.

Historical Guidance:

Analyzing Howmet Aerospace‘s historical earnings calls can provide key insights into the company’s ability to navigate challenging times effectively. Looking back at previous quarters, we see a consistent trend of surpassing expectations and outperforming the market. For example, in Q1 2023, Howmet Aerospace exceeded expectations with a net income of $148 million, beating estimates by a significant margin. This consistent trend indicates that the company’s management team has a proven track record of effective decision-making and execution, instilling confidence in investors and analysts alike.

Analysts Estimates:

While historical guidance provides valuable context, it is essential to consider analysts’ expectations for the upcoming earnings call. At present, sentiment surrounding Howmet Aerospace‘s earnings call is mainly neutral, suggesting that analysts anticipate an outcome in line with market expectations. However, given the company’s strong past performance and recent positive momentum, there is room for optimism. Investors and analysts should pay close attention to how Howmet Aerospace‘s actual results compare to these forecasts, as any positive surprises could have a significant impact on the stock’s trajectory.


With a combination of solid financials, a resilient stock performance, a history of surpassing expectations, and cautious analyst estimates, Howmet Aerospace is poised to deliver a strong Q2 earnings performance. As investors and analysts eagerly await the upcoming earnings call on August 1, 2023, it is an opportune moment to assess the company’s prospects. Howmet Aerospace has built a reputation for consistently delivering on its promises, and its ability to adapt to market challenges is a testament to its management team’s competence. Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to analyzing company earnings calls, tuning in to Howmet Aerospace‘s Q2 earnings call promises valuable insights into the company’s continued growth and potential for future success.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Howmet Aerospace or its stakeholders. Investing in stocks involves risk, and individuals should conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

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