Stantec stock price passes 200-day moving average

September 1, 2022

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This event may signal that the company’s long-term prospects are improving and that its stock price is likely to continue to rise in the future. If Stantec($TSX:STN) can sustain this momentum, it could mean good things for the company’s market share and earnings.

Share Price

On Wednesday, STANTEC stock opened at $62.2 and closed at $62.3, passing the 200-day moving average. This is a positive sign for the company, as the stock price has been steadily increasing over the past few months. STANTEC is a leading engineering and architecture firm, and its stock price is closely watched by investors. The company has a strong history of financial stability and profitability, and is well-positioned for continued growth in the future.

VI Analysis

The company’s fundamentals reflect its long-term potential. However, there are risks in the financial and business areas that investors should be aware of. According to VI Risk Rating, STANTEC is a high risk investment. The company has a high debt-to-equity ratio and its operating margin is below the industry average. Potential risks in the business include its dependence on the oil and gas industry, which is currently facing headwinds. In the financial area, the company’s high debt level is a concern. Investors should do their own research to determine if STANTEC is a suitable investment for them.


Investing in STANTEC may be a good idea based on recent news. The company’s stock price recently passed its 200-day moving average, indicating that it may be on an upward trend. Additionally, the company has been making headlines for its work on some high-profile projects, which could lead to more business and increased profits. Thus, STANTEC may be a wise investment for those looking to profit from the company’s success.

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